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Johannes M. Wahl

2020           Thieme Chemistry Journals Award


since 2019   Liebig Fellowship
                   Fonds der chemischen Industrie (FCI)


2017-2019  Research Fellowship
                   Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)


2014-2016  Kekulé Fellowship
                   Fonds der chemischen Industrie (FCI)


2012           Top-up Scholarship
                   Universität Basel

Assistant Professor
Room 01-112
Duesbergweg 10-14,

55128 Mainz
Tel: +49 6131 39 23242
wahl at

Johannes attended the University of Basel, Switzerland, where he earned his M.Sc. in 2012. After research stays in the group of Prof. Dr. Donna G. Blackmond at The Scripps Research Institute and the Institute for BioMedical Research at Novartis, Basel, he moved to Munich to pursue his Ph.D. with Prof. Dr. Thorsten Bach at the TU München. His doctoral endeavors dealt with pyrrole synthesis and their application as a directing group for C-H alkylation. Upon completion of his graduate studies, he moved to Indiana University to work with Prof. Dr. M. Kevin Brown on natural product synthesis as a DFG-funded post-doctoral fellow. During that time, he completed the first enantioselective synthesis of the sesquiterpene hebelophyllene E. Johannes started his independet career at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster. Since 2021 Johannes is an Assistant Professor at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz.

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